Published on 9 August 2011
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“Home improvements don’t need to be expensive, in fact when you consider the option of doing it yourself, it actually becomes relatively cheap in comparison to contracting a professional. As such, Britain has seen an increase in homeowners taking the plunge and tackling those DIY jobs themselves. One job which you can do yourself with ease is sanding down your existing wood flooring or your floorboards and transforming a tired and dull looking room into something out of a glossy interior design magazine. All you need is the correct equipment, and luckily for you, floor sander hire is available from us here at Floor Sander Hire.
However, not many homeowners have the time to do the DIY as well as picking up all the essential pieces of equipment needed to do the job. The team at Floor Sander Hire understand that time is precious and you may not have time to order, pick up, complete the job and then deliver it back on time. As a company keen to deliver a service tailored to meet the needs of our customers, we offer a delivery and pick up service.
We deliver the sander to your home at an agreed time and date. All equipment is comprehensively checked beforehand, and we are always happy to give a full demonstration on how to work the hired equipment.
A date will be scheduled for us to come and pick the sander up. This removes the hassle of having to rush the job, and if you need longer then all you need to do is phone us and let us know.
Improving your home is made considerably easier when you source the correct equipment. If you need floor sander hire, and would like a delivery and pick-up service then Floor Sander Hire are definitely the company for you. Phone us today on 0208 427 6604.
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