Published on 7 June 2011
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““Well it looks fine to me as it is …… do they really want you to sand this parquet floor?” This was the question I put to my brother-in-law as we stood in the main room of the very impressive surroundings of a hotel suite. “It’s the President’s Suite,” he replied, “and only the very best is good enough here!” he added earnestly.
As part of his on-going contract with a top quality hotel chain, my brother-in-law had been despatched to their flagship hotel in London and asked to restore the parquet flooring situated in one of their top floor, exclusive, suites. At first glance the wooden floor looked in perfect condition, but upon closer inspection a trained floor sander expert eye could see some blemishes, stains and the odd scratch here and there.
Predictably, my erstwhile relative and prospective floor sander asked the inevitable question – “What type of floor sander should I use here? We have to get right up to the edges so I suppose we are going to need to hire some sort of an edge sander as well,” he inquired with a furrowed brow.
I ruefully surveyed the gleaming wooden expanse as my brain searched through my encyclopaedic knowledge of all thing related to floor sanders, floor sanding and floor sanding equipment hire.
After some careful thought, I quickly came to the conclusion that the Lagler Trio floor sander would be the perfect machine to tackle this parquet floor. As for the edges, I reckoned that the Bona edge sander would be the perfect accompaniment to complete the job. So with this decided upon I pulled out my mobile and called my favourite floor sander hire firm – asking “do you a hire Lagler Trio and Bona edge sander in a one price bundle?”
After confirmation from the floor sander hire desk assistant that they indeed did rent out a Lagler Trio and Bona edge as a bundle complete with appropriate floor sanding discs, an order was placed and delivery arranged for the very next day.
The next morning, whilst we were removing the furniture and covering all the fixed items with spotless white dust sheets, I explained to my brother-in-law that the Lagler Trio is, in my considered opinion, no less than the world’s best finishing sander, yielding an ‘Architect Specified’ finish to hardwood floors, via its three circular sanding heads. Although the Lagler Trio would not cope with undulations and unevenness, it would give a peerless finish befitting any president’s suite! In addition, the Bona edging sander is the ideal tool for this type of application, expertly designed for use on hardwood floors. I mentioned that both machines have excellent dust extraction performance, which minimises clearing up and should keep the hotel management and housekeeping staff happy.
The floor sanders duly arrived right on time and we set to work. My brother-in-law was amazed just how well the Lager Trio handled as it effortlessly sanded the wooden floor to an increasingly perfect smooth finish. Whilst he was continuing with the main floor sanding operation, I attached a floor sanding disc; using the simple Velcro backed system to the Bona edge sander and set about sanding the edges of the parquet floor. In some of the darker recesses of the room, I switched on the Bona lamp to make sure that my sanding was tidy and accurate. In no time we had the main room of the President’s Suite smoothly sanded down ready to become palatial polished perfection.
This is where I took my leave thinking to myself, that soon, this brother-in-law of mine is soon going to become a floor sanding professional in his own right and he won’t be needing my help with his floor sanding projects. That’ll be a shame as I was just getting into it, but maybe, I can help someone else discover the delights of wooden floor sanding!”
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